How can liquid level switches assist with fluid power
The fluid power industry…
Fluid power is one of three common methods of power transmission, the other two being electrical and mechanical. Fluid power differs because it uses a fluid, either liquid or gas, to move power across a distance. When liquid is used, it is a hydraulic system, but when it is gas based, it is called a pneumatic system. Each system has individual advantages, but our products focus more on the hydraulic systems. A hydraulic system works by varying the piston and cylinder in order to create a system that is able to develop thousands of PSI even with a small size. Due to its design, it is possible to instantly reverse the motion and even keep the force and torque at a constant, user-determined spot, all while being free from sparks and explosions. Hydraulic systems are used efficiently when heavy force and torque is required.
- Assembly robotics
- Hydraulic systems on heavy equipment, tractors, and spreaders
- Highway maintenance vehicles
- Automated manipulators
- Heavy industrial equipment
How float switches are used…
The major parts of all fluid power systems include a pumping device, fluid conductors, valves, and actuators. Our float switches can be added onto the pumping device and valves in order to automate fluid flow either in or out of the system. If you need to maintain a specific temperature for your fluid, you can use our thermostat control switch to ensure that the temperature does not get too high or low, allowing for inefficient usage. Whether you are a manufacturer of hydraulic equipment and power units, or want to add new applications to your existing unit, our stainless steel indicators and switches can be customized to fit your need. With the ability to change the material, length, sensors, and purpose, talk with one of our engineers to create the perfect fit.